Calendar of Events

February 2023
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Events available for Registration...

Events in the month of February 2023
February 10, 2023
Meeting is 10a to 2p
Includes:    NYSIC Tour, Terrorism Threat Brief, Lunch (provided), technology demonstration (Socialnet/Maltego) and Introduction to Cryptocurrenty tracing and investigations

31 Tech Valley Drive
2nd Floor
East Greenbush, NY 12061

Please RSVP NLT January 27, 2023 to

2/13/2023 - 2/17/2023
This 20-hour course includes 2 hours per day online and 2 hours of independent study. It continues the financial training in the Foundations of Intelligence Analysis Training (FIAT) and is taught, personally, by experienced FIAT instructors. It is provided through the Go To Training website that IALEIA works with. Certificates are awarded to those who attend 80% of the seminar and submit all assignments. The daily assignments are completed during the 2 hours of independent study. The final day has a 3-hour independent study piece which incorporates the final assignment. Instructors are available for questions or support during normal business hours of the wee.

Social media providers can provide you with endless amounts of data and insights—but only if you know what to ask for. Join internet-communications expert Scott Tuma as he highlights the data available by search warrants from today’s most popular providers.

Learn how to properly request and acquire data with historical search warrants. Plus, discover the efficiency that PLX provides you for saving time and avoiding frustration while analyzing the returns.

  • Apple iCloud:  Discover what you can learn with a backup request, device information, and more.
  • Google: Learn about precision location, device information, photo storage, Google Drive and Docs, searches, and much more.
  • Facebook: Look beyond images to see conversations, historical precision location, and location data.
  • Snapchat: Unveil the wealth of knowledge discoverable via messages, conversations, digital media, and precision location.

Plus, get more important tips to help you think outside the box and reveal key insights.

The following list of IALEIA seminars, meetings, and various intelligence training events is posted for our membership to improve their analytical skill sets and resource network.