Calendar of Events

June 2022
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Events available for Registration...

Events in the month of June 2022
6/1/2022 - 6/2/2022
We are pleased to announce the availability of a two-day PLX Advanced class, in Jacksonville, FL hosted by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and taught by PenLink. This class will be held Wednesday through Thursday, June 1-2, 2022.
Register for  lue Light's Free Partner Webinar with Echo Analytics Group: Hunting Human Trafficking Criminals through Open-Source Intelligence on June 2, 2022, at 1 pm (EST).

Registration Link:

In our final episode in this three-part series on Open-Source Intelligence with Echo Analytics Group, we highlight their real-life casework being performed during Skull Games. This extraordinary, all-volunteer, team collaborates to find and locate young women being trafficked through Open-Source Intelligence. Learn about the birth and impact of Skull Games, how real data is turned over to law enforcement officials, and how this TORCH Case Manager empowered collaboration is turning the tide in this important battle.

#OSINTforGood with All Things Possible

6/7/2022 - 6/9/2022
We are pleased to announce the availability of a three-day PLX Basics: Phone and Social Media Analysis Live Online class, hosted and taught by PenLink. This program is conducted in the Adobe Connect Meetings platform with a toll-free teleconference or Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) option for the audio component. This class will be held on Tuesday through Thursday, June 7-9, 2022 from 8:00 - 5:00 (CT) CENTRAL TIME. Our Live Online option allows you to connect to a live classroom virtually, with the ability to fully participate in classroom discussions, exercises and Q&A. Online participants get all the benefits of the full classroom experience, plus the convenience of taking the class from their own desk.
6/13/2022 - 6/14/2022
We are pleased to announce the availability of a two-day PLX Advanced Live Online class, hosted and taught by PenLink. This program is conducted in the Adobe Connect Meetings platform with a toll-free teleconference or Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) option for the audio component. This class will be held on Monday through Tuesday, June 13-14, 2022 from 8:00 - 5:00 (ET) EASTERN TIME. Our Live Online option allows you to connect to a live classroom virtually, with the ability to fully participate in classroom discussions, exercises and Q&A. Online participants get all the benefits of the full classroom experience, plus the convenience of taking the class from their own desk.
Register for Blue Light's Free Webinar: Introducing Blue Fusion on June 15, 2022, at 1 pm (EST)

Registration Link:

Blue Fusion is an agnostic middleware providing a seamless integration between your link analysis environment and data sources. The patented, federated query allows for the most efficient workflow and simple way to search across desparate data sources simultaneously. An introduction and demonstration of the Blue Fusion technology will be outlined and demonstrated.

6/20/2022 - 6/24/2022
Register for Blue Light's Analyst's Notebook Complete Course on June 20-24, 2022

Registration Link:

This 5-Day i2 Analyst’s Notebook course is hosted at Blue Light Academy in Fayetteville, NC, and online via a virtual classroom. The course is designed to provide a full understanding of i2 Analyst’s Notebook and its key features. The class includes access to a virtual i2 environment so that the student can take the class from home. This class requires a recommended internet speed of 10mbps average but no less than 3.5 Mbps. If you have questions, please contact

Course Description


This five-day course is specifically designed for a complete and full understanding of i2® Analyst’s Notebook (ANB) features. The course teaches students to master the programs analytical capabilities to include geospatial, social network, and statistical analysis.

This curriculum is designed to focus on the ANB program functionality regardless of data type analyzed.


After completing this course, students will understand the following:

  • Methodology for creating Manual charts
  • Merge multiple charts to uncover relationships and associations
  • Create Association, Timeline and Commodity Flow Charts through importing
  • Modify import specifications for variations in multiplicity and event analysis
  • Data formatting and datasets creation
  • Customizing Attributes through the import process
  • Understand the matching and merging of data through multiple datasets
  • Analyst’s Notebook’s ability to analyze Time zones to create a sequence of events
  • Accurate analysis utilizing Social Network Analysis, Filters, and Histograms, Map Chart Items, Conditional Formatting, and Activity View tools
  • Integrating geospatial functionality provided by mapping software
  • Create template charts to manage formatting requirements when data is imported
  • Preparing charts for presentation and dissemination ie: PowerPoint, Excel, jpeg, and PDF
  • i2® Analyst’s Notebook latest Version

40 CPE Credits

Course Highlights


Our courses are always taught on the latest version of i2®.


Learn and apply specific analytical techniques and tools.


Throughout the course, students will work on realistic training data.


Understand, import and analyze structured, data into the platform.


The course offers a comprehensive overview of the platform.


Understand the chart elements, build examples, and compile for presentation.


Discover how you can acquire an entire treasure of intel for your cases by including data/content from Apple iCloud. In this session, you’ll learn how to expand your investigation and analysis beyond basic phone searches.

Featured Topics: 

  • Hear exactly what you can request from Apple with any legal request
  • Specific examples of content that Apple iCloud warrants can provide
  • See the value of PLX through our state-of-the-art autoload and analysis capabilities that save time and frustration
  • Learn first-hand from Scott Tuma as he walks you through the steps of acquiring data directly from Apple 
  • Plus, tips and tricks on how to bypass common struggles with large datasets.

Case Study: Using Google and Snapchat data when CDR's just aren't enough

June 22, 2022 | 2:00 - 2:45 PM Eastern Time

What happens when your suspect and victim live too close together that call detail records are not definitive?

That’s exactly what happened to Violent Crimes Detective Cody Thomas from the Murfreesboro (TN) Police Department.

After a woman claimed she was sexually assaulted by a friend, investigators turned to call detail records to place the suspect in the same location at the time of the reported assault. The suspect denies that he committed the assault and that he was at his house. However, the suspect’s house was just minutes away from the victim, and in such close proximity, call detail records could not be used definitively.

Detectives then turned to the suspect’s Google Locations data and Snapchat data which revealed a wealth of information about his whereabouts that night.

Det. Thomas joins us on this webinar to discuss the case in detail and explain how they obtained Google and Snapchat data and used it in GeoTime to visualize the suspect's movements and place him at the scene of the assault.

Register below to save your spot!



Cody Thomas
Detective, Murfreesboro Police Department

Detective Thomas graduated from Middle Tennessee State University with a Bachelor's degree In Criminal Justice Administration. He has been employed with the Murfreesboro Police Department for 14 years. Detective Thomas worked as a patrol officer and a field training officer for 8 years and then spent 6 years in the criminal investigations division. In the Violent Crimes Unit, Detective Thomas primarily investigated homicides, suicides, and equivocal deaths. As of May 2022, Detective Thomas is now in the Forensic Services Unit and focuses on digital forensics.
6/28/2022 - 6/30/2022
We are pleased to announce the availability of a three-day PLX Basics: Phone and Social Media Analysis Live Online class, hosted and taught by PenLink. This program is conducted in the Adobe Connect Meetings platform with a toll-free teleconference or Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) option for the audio component. This class will be held on Tuesday through Thursday, June 28-30, 2022 from 8:00 - 5:00 (ET) EASTERN TIME. Our Live Online option allows you to connect to a live classroom virtually, with the ability to fully participate in classroom discussions, exercises and Q&A. Online participants get all the benefits of the full classroom experience, plus the convenience of taking the class from their own desk.

The following list of IALEIA seminars, meetings, and various intelligence training events is posted for our membership to improve their analytical skill sets and resource network.