Calendar of Events

May 2022
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Events available for Registration...

Events in the month of May 2022
Register for Blue Light's Free Webinar: Analyst's Notebook 101 on May 4, 2022, at 1 pm (EST).

Registration Link:

A picture is worth a thousand words that describes what Analyst’s Notebook can do. However, to unlock its ability to analyze data you must start with the basics. Learn how Analyst’s Notebook really works from the ground up.

What’s New With Accurint® TraX™ Webinar May 4th, 2:00 pm ET

Accurint® TraX™ is the next evolution of Accurint® allowing investigators to quickly conduct pattern of life analysis by putting automated, data enhanced, call detail record analysis at the fingertips of any investigator. There are several features available in the Accurint TraX Investigative Solution to help users quickly visualize and analyze critical call detail records, process cell tower dump records, and more. 
During this webinar, our team will highlight the following:
  • Single Sign On capabilities from AVCC
  • Real Time Phone Integration
  • Seamless Link Analysis
  • Cell Site Dump Processor Tool
  • Workflow Integration
Please join us for this Accurint TraX product demonstration to see how these key product features can help you take your geolocation investigation to the next level.
Wednesday, May 4th at 2 pm ET

Register for Blue Light's FREE partner webinar with Echo Analytics Group on May 5, 2022, at 1 pm (EST). Join us as experts demonstrate LIVE the i2 and Echo Analytics Groups NEW Torch platform efficiently balancing both OSINT research and analysis

Registration Link:

This event is for intelligence analysts who want to leverage open-source intelligence (OSINT).

In this webinar, we demonstrate how to simplify the tedious process of gathering and analyzing the overwhelming amount of publicly available information (PAI). Blue Light’s Blue Fusion technology powers Torch direct integration into i2 Analyst’s Notebook bringing rapid connectivity to 30+ data sources improving analytics around OSINT/PAI.

i2 Analyst’s Notebook + Blue Light’s Blue Fusion technology + Torch configuration & toolkit from Echo Analytics Group (EAG).

The integration of i2 into the EAG platform, Torch, enables users to focus on conducting a deeper analysis of the information collected, decreasing the amount of time required to discover the truth. Watch us live as we showcase the Torch platform highlighting how OSINT analysts can improve their data connectivity, fuse with numerous technologies, and optimize OSINT data while executing more efficient OSINT analytics.

This is part 2 of our 3-part series on open-source intelligence as we educate on methodology and ensure that intelligence analysts have either product, solutions, or the right systems in place so OSINT information is available to decision-makers and ultimately saves lives. The integration of Blue Fusion and Torch is available to U.S. Government, military, law enforcement agencies, and commercial institutions to provide comprehensive, affordable, intuitive OSINT solutions to meet a variety of analytical requirements.

5/9/2022 - 5/13/2022
Western States Information Network  2022 Human Trafficking Summit
5/16/2022 - 5/20/2022
Register for Blue Light's 5-Day Analyst's Notebook Complete Course on May 16-20, 2022.

Registration Link:

This 5-Day i2 Analyst’s Notebook course is hosted at Blue Light Academy in Fayetteville, NC, and online via a virtual classroom. The course is designed to provide a full understanding of i2 Analyst’s Notebook and its key features. The class includes access to a virtual i2 environment so that the student can take the class from home. This class requires a recommended internet speed of 10mbps average but no less than 3.5 Mbps. If you have questions, please contact

5/16/2022 - 5/20/2022
The Advanced Financial Analysis Seminar (AFAS) picks up where the financial portion of FIAT ends and provides both new material and expanded exercises in which you can engage. In order to take the AFAS, you need to have taken the FIAT or a similar basic analytic course.
The AFAS was developed by Marilyn B. Peterson, CICA and CFE, over three years and piloted in Washington, DC; Jamaica and Pennsylvania in which it received high evaluations. It is 20 hours over five days, with 2 hours each day of instructor-led online activity (10:00 am to 12:00 pm EST) and 2 hours each day of exercises and reading to be completed prior to the next class.  Classes are held each quarter, with the second session given May 16 – 20, 2022 the third August 22 - 26 and the fourth November 14 - 18, 2022.
Topics included in the seminar are:
  •     Introduction
  •     Business record Analysis
  •     Personal Bank Record Analysis
  •     Bank Secrecy Record Analysis
  •     Financial Profiles
  •    Non-bank Financial Records Analysis
  •    E-currency and Alternate Payment Records Analysis
  •    Final exercise
All materials used will be provided electronically. The instructor is available by phone or text each day from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (EST) and will provide feedback on all submitted exercises.
The cost of the AFAS is $300 for IALEIA members and $500 for non-members. FIAT instructors and developers can use one point to cover the registration fee.
For more information on its content and requirements, contact Marilyn Peterson,
5/17/2022 - 5/18/2022
We are pleased to announce the availability of a two-day PLX Advanced Live Online class, hosted and taught by PenLink. This program is conducted in the Adobe Connect Meetings platform with a toll-free teleconference or Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) option for the audio component. This class will be held on Tuesday through Wednesday, May 17-18, 2022 from 8:00 - 5:00 (PT). Our Live Online option allows you to connect to a live classroom virtually, with the ability to fully participate in classroom discussions, exercises and questions. Online participants get all the benefits of the full classroom experience, plus the convenience of taking the class from their own desk.

Leveraging Lawful Intercepts will give a side-by-side comparison of all types of intercepts and a cost vs benefit analysis of each type. We will discuss real cases that utilized PLX and PenPoint to assist in furthering and closing investigations.   


  • Understand the different types of intercepts and intercepts providers (i.e. phone, email, social media) 
  • Provide the necessary information to decide which intercept is best for your investigation. 
  • Provide different intercept and data dissemination options for analysts and investigators. 


Presented by: 
Martin Wilson, Criminal Intelligence Analyst, North Central HIDTA

Martin graduated from Sam Houston State University in 2016 with a BA in criminal justice. He then worked for a Money Services Business in Dallas, TX as an Anti-Money Laundering Analyst for 3 years before starting his career with HIDTA. Martin has been a Criminal Intelligence Analyst with HIDTA since 2019. He has supported multiple task forces with cases ranging from local to international. His specialty in the office is financials, but every case he has worked with has utilized and relied upon Penlink. Much of his experience has been analysis within PLX, but he has also conducted intercept technical and administrative support for PLX and PenPoint.

5/24/2022 - 5/26/2022
We are pleased to announce the availability of a three-day PLX Basics: Phone and Social Media Analysis Live Online class, hosted and taught by PenLink. This program is conducted in the Adobe Connect Meetings platform with a toll-free teleconference or Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) option for the audio component. This class will be held on Tuesday through Thursday, May 24-26, 2022 from 8:00 - 5:00 (MT) MOUNTAIN TIME. Our Live Online option allows you to connect to a live classroom virtually, with the ability to fully participate in classroom discussions, exercises and Q&A. Online participants get all the benefits of the full classroom experience, plus the convenience of taking the class from their own desk.
Register for Blue Light's Premium Webinar: Importing for Success leveraging i2 Analyst's Notebook on May 25, 2022, at 1 pm (EST).

Price: $9.99

Registration Link:

Designing a strong foundation by properly structuring and importing data into i2 Analyst’s Notebook (ANB) can make or break your analysis workflow. Import designs give you control over how ANB converts data into entities and links that are placed on the chart surface for analysis. Join us to learn how to import and best practices of ingesting structured files into ANB by using the step-by-step import wizard.

The following list of IALEIA seminars, meetings, and various intelligence training events is posted for our membership to improve their analytical skill sets and resource network.