Calendar of Events - International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts

May 2024
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Events available for Registration...

Events in the month of May 2024
5/6/2024 - 5/10/2024
The process of analyzing crime and the incorporation of crime analysis units into the mainstream of police operations is still a relatively new phenomenon. As such, few training programs are designed to acquaint crime analysts and their supervisors with the tasks they need to perform when assigned to these units. Fewer still provide any instruction that actually shows them how to perform these tasks. Whether or not your title is “crime analyst,” if all or any part of your job involves analyzing crime, forecasting future criminal occurrences, identifying suspects, tracking crime patterns and series, monitoring crime trends, preparing statistical crime reports, managing the analysis function or using crime data to support field operations, CompStat, or community policing programs, then this Crime Analysis Applications Training course is for you.

Link to training flyer:
5/20/2024 - 5/24/2024
This seminar includes:
    Money Laundering
    Bulk Currency Smuggling
    Trade Based Money Laundering
    Informal Value Transfer Systems
    Cyber Currency
    U.S. Money Regulations
    Non-bank Financial InstitutionsG
    Current Schemes and Priorities
    Analysis of Varied Financial Records
5/22/2024 - 5/23/2024

Join us for the ultimate i2 experience at the upcoming User and Training Conference in Alexandria in May!

As the world's largest gathering of i2 professionals, it promises to be a stimulating opportunity for you to discover the latest innovations in i2, refine your tradecraft skills, and elevate your knowledge with our cutting-edge training sessions.

This two-day conference is a must-attend event for anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve in the world of i2. With a jam-packed schedule of informative sessions, hands-on workshops, and exciting networking opportunities, you'll have the chance to connect with like-minded individuals and learn from the best and brightest in the industry.

So don't miss out on this thrilling opportunity to enhance your expertise, build valuable connections, and take your link analysis skills to the next level. Register now for the i2 User and Training Conference in Alexandria - it's an event you won't want to miss!

The following list of IALEIA seminars, meetings, and various intelligence training events is posted for our membership to improve their analytical skill sets and resource network.